Presale FAQs

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about DEX for EXO Project

How can I participate in the presale?

The seed round is currently open and receiving funds until we reach the 2% hard cap. You may participate in the presale by filling out the presale form here.

How can I confirm deposit to the SEED wallet?

When you have made the transaction you can check on

e.g. in Metamask select the transaction and copy the Transaction ID/

Goto<transactionID> (replace with your own transaction ID)

Status should say success and the destination address should be the same as on the SEED form. 0xEd06e55C221611bd6d787332E0AC48DfDbb10152

What Are The Exo Presale Tokenomics?

What is the information on Presale rounds?

The "cliff" is the period before tokens start to be released. During the "vesting period" tokens will be released steadily each day, to prevent large block releases that trigger price dumps.

What is the circulating supply at launch?

How about the Token Vesting and Release Schedule of tokens?

Last updated