How it works

When $EXO is above peg:

$EXO tokens are minted at the normal rate. Exchange and utility fees are levied and distributed as per the normal fee schedule.

When $EXO is below peg:

  1. $EXO token emission rates are slowed, proportionally according to how far current market price is below the pegged price

  2. An additional 1% burn is levied on sales of $EXO, along with an additional 1% added to $EXO staking rewards

  3. A larger portion of base trading fees is diverted to buyback and burn of $EXO tokens. The amounts allocated to this purpose will be dynamic/changeable, with elements of community governance to be introduced at a later date. Example:

- 50% of the team treasury fees across all current/future utilities

- 50% of dev wallet fees on exoSwap

- 50% of lottery fees on exoSwap

- 80% of LP fees on exoSwap

Last updated